
Surge de pronto, en el borde del alma
un latido inexacto.

El vértigo colgado en la pared.

Una duda en suspención,
pendiendo en la intemporalidad que causa el miedo.

El coraje desgastado en la memoria.

♫ So darling please, show your teeth
Just one more dance to help me sleep ♪

*Un extra de Liniers*


A una de mis personas favoritas xD

Fresca mañana
Arranca la tristeza
De lo que no fue

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Fla!


Tarea de CeLeS!

Sexo en 35 mm. La película rueda en el cine. Arde el celuloide.

Al trasluz las partículas de un amor sin créditos ni literatura.

La vida dirigida por la humedad de un viaje clandestino,

♫ Can you feel a little love ♪

"Escribir un texto con las palabras vida, amor, literatura, sexo, cine y viaje".
Yo invito a quienes se animen a hacerla. Es entretenido :)


Sublima el veneno que me embriaga.

El néctar de tu voz aniquila el malestar.

Me purifica.

♫ The water flowing
The endless river
Forever and ever ♪


Me absorbe el pensamiento el aire en que no estás.

Sin embargo,
circula en mis oidos un sueño breve,

Tan posible como tu nombre sin alas.

Tan posible como mi sonrisa en tu sien.

♫ And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had ♪


Exhaustiva labor


Me arrimo a tu sombra
en el descanso

♫ Encircle me I need to be
Taken down ♪



Cae la lluvia sobre mis hombros.
El cuello renuente no se deja enamorar.
Las gotitas persisten.


Alineación al centroEn silencio, me adentro en la furia del fuego,
me integro de a poco en las cenizas del tiempo.

Brota así desde mi huesos
el manantial que arrastra nuevos sueños,
esos que desembocan en mi mirada
cuando percibo tus latidos en el viento.

♫ Y encender esa luz que llevamos dentro ♪



Cierra los ojos
Se marcharán los miedos
Pide un deseo

The rain, it started tapping on the window near my bed. There was a loophole in my dreaming,

so I got out of it. And to my surprise my eyes were wide and already open.
Just my nightstand and my dresser where those nightmares had just been.
So I dressed myself and left then, out into the gray streets.
But everything seemed different and completely new to me.
The sky, the trees, houses, buildings, even my own body.
And each person I encountered, I couldn't wait to meet.
I came upon a doctor who appeared in quite poor health.
I said "{I am terribly sorry but} there is nothing I can do for you
{that} you can't do for yourself."
He said "Oh yes you can. Just hold my hand. I think that would help."
So I sat with him a while and then I asked him how he felt.
He said, "I think I'm cured. No, in fact, I'm sure.
Thank you Stranger, for your therapeutic smile."
So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone.
And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow.
But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself.
It is best to compose a poem, an honest verse of longing or simple song of hope.
That is why I'm singing...
Baby don't worry cause now I got your back. And every time you feel like crying,
I'm gonna try and make you laugh. And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad,
then we will wait for it to pass and I will keep you company
through those days so long and black.
And we'll keep working on the problem we know we'll never solve
Of Love's uneven remainders, our lives are fractions of a whole.
But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.
Then I think we would see the beauty.
Then we would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges,
like a story told by the fault lines and the soil.


Aferrándome en silencio
a la melodía de tu voz/

Reconozco en mis entrañas
vestigios de valentía/

Llévame a acariciar el abismo.

♫ Ouch, I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found ♪


Angustia intemporal.